I finished weaving in the ends on the Be of Good Cheer Samplerghan!
~streamers and confetti~
Some of them were problematic to hide, because there was no handy good spot, but they're all tucked in there, somehow, and with any luck, they'll stay relatively put.
I'll share some photos of the completed afghan soon.
I wanted to start something new, after the press to finish that afghan, so I cast on a fresh knitting project. The pattern is "Meret (Mystery Beret)". There are over six thousand versions of Meret on Ravelry, so I guess you could say it's popular. ;o)
I'm using a skein of Patons Classic Wool (Jade Heather) from the stash, and because I really wanted to try one of my new (from months ago) fixed circular needles, I moved up one size from what's recommended. Instead of size 7s, I'm using size 8 Hiya Hiya Sharp needles.
Technically, I don't think that many (most?) knitters feel this type of pattern calls for a sharp-tipped needle. If anything, I believe I've read that some find the sharp tips less ergonomic/efficient for "plain knitting". Sharps are more typically for lace, if I understand correctly. Of course, there are always exceptions to the rule. I'm finding the sharps nice when I come to sk2po's and knitting in the back legs of stitches.
I can have a tendency to be a "pusher", meaning that I often push back the tip of the left-hand needle with my fingertip in order to more easily reach the next stitch. With these sharps, you can't do that too often or you'll regret it. Fortunately, I'm not a committed pusher, so it's not too difficult to avoid.
I'm using the magic loop technique with this 40" circular, and I'm glad it's no shorter than that. There's enough room, but a slightly longer cable might be even better. (Something to keep in mind, if I ever order more fixed-length circulars.)
Enough about the needles!
The hat!
I'm making the medium size with the brim that is half rolled/half ribbed. (I love that rolled brim!) Right now, the brim looks a bit smaller than I'd expected, but I have the vague feeling that I always think hats look too small, at this point in the knitting process.
Knitting is fun-- especially after such a long break-- but I'm trying to pace myself. Not too much knitting in one day (even on the weekend!) for fear of straining something-- thumb, wrist, or arm.
I need to put in some work outside-- raking and hauling pine straw, particularly-- but I've been easily persuaded to stick with indoor tasks, today. It's chilly and damp out there-- and will be for at least the next couple of days, if the forecast is correct.
Well, after a little doggy playtime outside (quality time with frisbees and the jingly ball is a daily requirement), maybe I can get in a few more rounds on the hat... ;o)
~streamers and confetti~
Some of them were problematic to hide, because there was no handy good spot, but they're all tucked in there, somehow, and with any luck, they'll stay relatively put.
I'll share some photos of the completed afghan soon.
- - - - -
I wanted to start something new, after the press to finish that afghan, so I cast on a fresh knitting project. The pattern is "Meret (Mystery Beret)". There are over six thousand versions of Meret on Ravelry, so I guess you could say it's popular. ;o)
I'm using a skein of Patons Classic Wool (Jade Heather) from the stash, and because I really wanted to try one of my new (from months ago) fixed circular needles, I moved up one size from what's recommended. Instead of size 7s, I'm using size 8 Hiya Hiya Sharp needles.
Technically, I don't think that many (most?) knitters feel this type of pattern calls for a sharp-tipped needle. If anything, I believe I've read that some find the sharp tips less ergonomic/efficient for "plain knitting". Sharps are more typically for lace, if I understand correctly. Of course, there are always exceptions to the rule. I'm finding the sharps nice when I come to sk2po's and knitting in the back legs of stitches.
I can have a tendency to be a "pusher", meaning that I often push back the tip of the left-hand needle with my fingertip in order to more easily reach the next stitch. With these sharps, you can't do that too often or you'll regret it. Fortunately, I'm not a committed pusher, so it's not too difficult to avoid.
I'm using the magic loop technique with this 40" circular, and I'm glad it's no shorter than that. There's enough room, but a slightly longer cable might be even better. (Something to keep in mind, if I ever order more fixed-length circulars.)
Enough about the needles!
The hat!
I'm making the medium size with the brim that is half rolled/half ribbed. (I love that rolled brim!) Right now, the brim looks a bit smaller than I'd expected, but I have the vague feeling that I always think hats look too small, at this point in the knitting process.
Knitting is fun-- especially after such a long break-- but I'm trying to pace myself. Not too much knitting in one day (even on the weekend!) for fear of straining something-- thumb, wrist, or arm.
- - - - -
I need to put in some work outside-- raking and hauling pine straw, particularly-- but I've been easily persuaded to stick with indoor tasks, today. It's chilly and damp out there-- and will be for at least the next couple of days, if the forecast is correct.
Well, after a little doggy playtime outside (quality time with frisbees and the jingly ball is a daily requirement), maybe I can get in a few more rounds on the hat... ;o)