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Showing posts from October, 2021

October Catch-Up

This blog has been quiet for the past month-and-a-half.  What with one thing and another, it hasn't felt like the time to write.  Donald was away for a while to attend his father's funeral and spend some time with the rest of his family in Sweden.  Now that he's back home again and we're returning to our routines, I think I'm ready to also return to blogging.   I suppose there's no better way to get back to blogging than to just write a blog post!  (Buckle in for a long one, this time...) I had thought that while Donald was away I'd get all sorts of crafty things done.  Well, I thought it was possible .  I wasn't really expecting an amazing spurt of activity, wise from previous occasions when I found myself ostensibly with all the time in the world to --insert crafty pursuit of your choice--, only to discover that I actually get less done, when my routine is thrown off-kilter.   That's exactly what happened this time, too.  I did sp...