Well, clearly I haven't done a good job of keeping up with craft blogging! I'm busier these days, but the problem really isn't that I don't have the time. I waste time online each and every day, reading things that at best bore me and at worst leave me in a worse mood.
I have other things I "should" be doing, yet I still end up drawn into the black hole of time-wasting on the Internet. I'd feel guilty just saying, "You know what? I'm really just not going to organize my closet or scrub the shower today. Yes, there are weeds, but I'm not going to do any weeding right now, either. I'm going to sew/quilt/doodle/blog!" It's easier to just sit at the laptop and allow myself to pour minute after minute into time-wasting online, rather than committing to shirking duty 😁 by investing my "wasted" time in something I'd actually enjoy.
Some pointless Internet scrolling is okay, but after a certain point, I'm just making myself unhappy or annoyed! I'll feel better if I break that habit, even if I'm doing nothing nobler than talking to myself on my blog. Will I manage to make that change, this time? Nothing to do but try!
After so many months away from the blog, I have quite a few things saved up to share. I think I'll break them up into separate blog posts, but this is as good a place as any to share a few random photos.
Here's my latest finished diamond painting. (Not a great photo! That's something else I intend to get back to-- taking halfway decent project photos again.)
This really is random... It's a photo of a box turtle that Frodo found at the bottom of the backyard.
My youngest sister recently brought home a puppy-- a teensy-tiny Shetland Sheepdog (Sheltie). The photo doesn't convey how small he is, but at least you can see some of his beautiful markings.
And last for this blog entry, a snap of Luna and Frodo in my craft room. (That's a bedsheet hanging behind them. It's worn through with a hole, but there's plenty of useable fabric I intend to salvage.)
More blog posts soon to follow, I hope!