Today I finished putting together the quilt top with the pink and blue-green/aqua strings and stitch-and-flip units. It's now folded and put away in the closet with the other quilt tops awaiting quilting...
At some point early in this project, I started thinking of it as "Make It Pink! Make It Blue!", which is a bit of a mouthful for a quilt name... But it's still what comes to mind— that scene in Disney's animated Sleeping Beauty, where two of the fairy godmothers duke it out (with magic wands) over whether Aurora's birthday surprise dress should be pink or blue. (It was one of my favorite parts of the movie, when I was a child!)
Here are a few photos of the quilt top as it now stands:
I think the next thing to do is give the Juki a cleaning under the needle plate. The next project will probably be the string HST quilt started several months ago. All the string squares are ready, so the next step is cutting the background squares, marking them, and making the HSTs.