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Stardust Melodies CAL

One of my favorite crochet designers, Polly Plum, has a new crochet along (CAL) starting in a few days.  The Stardust Melodies CAL will include 24 textured crochet blocks, which will be revealed as the CAL proceeds.  (So it's a bit of a mystery, though there have been some sneak-peek photos of some of the blocks.)

Twelve of the blocks (the simpler ones, from what I understand) will be free.  For the other half, there's a coupon code that will take 50% off the ebook price.  (See the link above for more information.  That 50%-off code is only good until the start of the CAL, May 18th, so if you want to take advantage of it, don't wait too long!)

I've enjoyed Polly's past patterns a lot (though solid-color blocks are a bit of a departure from the extremely colorful designs she's been known for), and I feel confident recommending this CAL.  There are plenty of helpful people in her groups on Ravelry and Facebook, if you run into any sort of trouble.  (That's one of the big benefits of a CAL-- many people will be figuring out these patterns at the same time, so you can get very quick responses from crocheters who have the pattern's ins and outs fresh in their heads.)

I've set up a project page for my afghan, and now I just need to get started on the "preview" block that is already available to download (for free!):  Begin the Beguine.

I hope to be back with photos of the finished block before too long.  (And there are photos of a couple of other FOs, too, once they've been edited and uploaded.)