The Disappearing Four-Patch quilt top is done— ready to fold and put away until it's time to quilt it. Last time I wrote, I was still putting the blocks together. That went pretty quickly, and then the step I'd been dreading had arrived: It was time to figure out which block was the smallest and trim down all the blocks to the same size. I'd expected this to be unpleasant. Either boring or difficult. Maybe even both. As it turned out (who would've thunk it?!), it actually wasn't too bad. At first, I thought I'd hold two blocks together, choose the smaller, and work my way through the whole stack this way until I was left with the smallest block. I started doing this, but immediately decided that I hated that method and that it might be easier to just use a ruler. (I know. Using a ruler to measure things? Unheard-of!) I'm not a big measure-er. I have vague memories of not liking th...
quilts, treadle sewing machines, crochet, watercolor, dogs, & other fun stuff