For a long, long time, I've admired the sound of the hammered dulcimer. I don't even know for certain when I first heard the instrument or learned what it was, but I used to associate it with the Appalachian Mountains. (More on that later...) Maybe they were playing a CD in one of the souvenir shops we visited... Or maybe I just made that up. 😉 In any case, I liked the way it sounded, but I don't believe I've ever seen one being played in person. It's not a particularly common instrument, around here— not like a guitar or marching band instrument or even something slightly more niche, like a banjo or Dobro. Fast-forward to now: Donald very sweetly built me a hammered dulcimer as a surprise for Christmas 2022! He used a plan from the same place where he bought the kit for the harp he built a few years back— a place called " MusicMakers ". He also bought the dulcimer's hardware from them, but he sourced his own wood for this pro...
quilts, treadle sewing machines, crochet, watercolor, dogs, & other fun stuff