Time for the latest doily off the blocking board! Today, it's "Saffron" , another pattern by Grace Fearon. The thread is another color of the discontinued America's Best Country Cotton. "Coral" is a fairly dark orangey shade of peach. I found it difficult to photograph accurately. It's not one of my very favorite colors, but since it was in the stash (and because I don't actively dis like it), I thought I'd use it up. To be honest, this pattern wasn't one of my favorites to crochet, either. There were a couple of what I'd call "doozy" rounds. One in particular was a challenge, and I worried that it didn't look quite right. (It's the one with the very, very tall stitches.) However, now that it's blocked, I think it looks fine, so maybe if I make it again, I'll enjoy it more, since I can relax in the knowledge that it will block out nicely. I do like the "latticework" ele...
quilts, treadle sewing machines, crochet, watercolor, dogs, & other fun stuff