The Old-Fashioned (crochet) Sampler is on hold-- not for too, too long, I hope. It's already well beyond "afghan weather" around here, for one thing. For another, I just wanted a break from it. I had been making slow progress on the Billowy Delight (knitted) scarf, but now that's mostly set aside, too. It's better than it was, but still not the most fun thing I've ever knitted. I can see this one taking me a loooooong time to complete! I probably need to get a good audio-book going so that I feel more motivated to work on it-- because I still want to make the scarf. Not remotely ready for frogging. To improve matters (ha ha), I decided to start a couple of new fiber-craft projects. (This will certainly help with that mile-long to-do/finish list.) First New Project: Crochet Cacti I've had this trio of teeny-tiny terra-cotta pots for years. I can't even remember for sure if I bought them myself or was given them...
quilts, treadle sewing machines, crochet, watercolor, dogs, & other fun stuff